Certified Professionals
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Salesforce Certifications
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2011 -
info@thaltegos.de -
+49 (0) 89 3838 02 46 - Visit Website Instant Quote
Customized BI and AI Solutions for Your Salesforce Business
What are smart AI services?
We see your data as enormous wealth of experience. Using Machine Learning and AI techniques this valuable knowledge can be extracted.
Via a smart AI service you can supply and share this universal knowledge with your employees. Your company’s efficiency regarding decision making and problem solving will increase substantially as your employees can rely on your whole company‘s wealth of experience.
Customization of smart AI services:
Just like your company’s CRM processes are precisely adjusted to your business requirements, AI solutions are also in need of customization. A customer-friendly design of the AI service is essential for the successful use of AI technology.
We help you to identify reasonable use-cases where it makes sense to supply your employees with universal knowledge. Our certified consultants set up a strategic concept, considering technical aspects, but also the user-friendly integration in your CRM processes. After implementation, we provide onboarding support and monitor the adoption of the smart AI service to meet an all-round successfull AI experience.
# Focus
# Salesforce Expertise
# Certifications (3)
3 x Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant
# Portfolio
Key clients:
# Geographic Focus
Languages: English, French, German, Russian
International: Germany
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We design customer relations with Salesforce
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International: 2 Countries
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International: 60 Countries
We aim to build the best digital architecture to enable long lasting succes
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International: 7 Countries
Combining Sales, Marketing and Technology. Peak by Peak.
Salesforce.com and Pardot consultancy and provider of digital marketing technologies focused on helping companies to make decisions based on data and customers’ behavior along the whole customer journey.