Certified Professionals
2 -
Salesforce Certifications
5 -
Appexchange Reviews
0 -
Appexchange Rating
0/5 -
2017 -
bernardo.lira@blueclip.cl -
+56989212237 - Visit Website Instant Quote
BlueClip SpA - Salesforce Boutique (we <3 Salesforce)
Salesforce consulting services in Chile - Consultoría Salesforce en Chile
Highlights Business consulting to streamline Salesforce orgs Success-oriented implementation and support services Training and adoption strategies for your company Description We at BlueClip are committed to the success of our customers. With more than 11 years of experience selling and implementing CRM strategies across companies in a wide range of industries in Chile and Peru, our value proposition is to give our customers a fresh, best-practices, business oriented consulting and implementation services to streamline Salesforce in your organization.
# Focus
# Salesforce Expertise
# Certifications (5)
2 x Certified Sales Consultant
2 x Certified Administrator
1 x Certified Service Consultant
# Portfolio
Key clients:
# Geographic Focus
Languages: English, Spanish
International: Chile
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