Certified Professionals
2 -
Salesforce Certifications
12 -
Appexchange Reviews
1 -
Appexchange Rating
5/5 -
2017 -
contato@werise.com.br -
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Marketing Automation
Highlights Aumento de ROI em campanhas e atividades de negócio através de automações, reduzindo erro humano e proporcionando escala para crescimento. Redução de custo de operação através de processos inteligentes e automatizados, possibilitando que os colaboradores possam focar em necessidades de negócio que geram valor a empresa. Description Elevamos a Automação de Marketing para o próximo nível.Expandir a capacidade do marketing e vendas através da tecnologia, com automações, processos inteligentes e rotinas otimizadas é o que sabemos fazer de melhor. Oferecemos isso aos nossos clientes no modelo outsourcing completo ou de passagem gradual para equipes internas.Entregamos a nova versão da sua empresa cada vez mais inteligente, rápida e lucrativa.
# Focus
# Salesforce Expertise
# Certifications (12)
3 x Marketing Cloud Email Specialist
3 x Pardot Specialist
2 x Certified Pardot Consultant
2 x Marketing Cloud Consultant
1 x Marketing Cloud Developer
1 x Certified Administrator
# Portfolio
Key clients:
# Geographic Focus
Languages: English, Portuguese
International: Brazil
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Resultados com Salesforce
Consultoria especializada em CRM e Field Services Sys4B que atua no mercado brasileiro com sua abordagem bem sucedida orientada a buscar resultados no cliente com uso de tecnologia Salesforce.
Certified Professionals: 57
AppExhange Reviews: 30
AppExhange Rating: 5
International: Brazil
The technological bridge between business and results.
What really matters are the results we achieve to our customers. Through professional services, cloud computing products and human resources outsourcing, we connect business with more leads, more sales and more customers: we are tech-to-time-to-business.
Your Digital Solution Partner
A Objective Solutions é uma empresa multinacional especializada em soluções digitais.
Certified Professionals: 4
AppExhange Reviews: 0
AppExhange Rating: 0
International: Brazil
Strategic technology & creative force
Hikko is the art of moving forward. We articulate strategic technology and creative force to provide services, products, and ideas to scale organizations in the US and Latam while creating meaningful impact. 10 years of Salesforce experience combined with 10 years of CX automation product development, at your service.
Certified Professionals: 54
AppExhange Reviews: 20
AppExhange Rating: 4.9
International: 7 Countries
People Matter, Results Count
Capgemini has been recognized as one of the Salesforce global strategic consulting partners for over ten years and has received multiple Salesforce Innovation Awards. Their strengths are focused on thought-leading transformational solutions to various sectors globally. With acquisitions of Itelios, LiquidHub, and Lyons Consulting Group (LYONSCG), the consulting company has a robust global network of over 2,500 certified Salesforce and cloud experts. This has dramatically enhanced their capabilities and solutions to meet their clients’ digital customer experience needs globally, accelerating innovation and competitiveness.
Certified Professionals: 9231
AppExhange Reviews: 31
AppExhange Rating: 4.7
International: 32 Countries