Certified Professionals
17 -
Salesforce Certifications
70 -
Appexchange Reviews
0 -
Appexchange Rating
0/5 -
2012 -
kolekto@kolekto.com.br -
+55 11 2594-9325 - Visit Website Instant Quote
[ kolekto ]
The technological bridge between business and results.
Highlights We were founded in 2012 with the purpose of - through technology - reducing the distance between the established objectives and the results achieved by our customers. We develop solutions with an emphasis on leads management, sales automation, customer service and support, mobile applications and portals, as well as the creation and automation of 1:1 customer journeys through multi-channels. Since 2014 we became strategic partners of Salesforce in Brazil with an outstanding performance in the Manufacturing segment. We achieved quickly a level of excellence and recognition in this ecosystem through local, regional and global projects. Description In addition of consulting, development of mobile application and cloud computing portals and deployment of customized solutions in digital marketing, we have a complete portfolio of ready-to-go services and products to quickly insert your company in the best practices of the CRM world:[ kolekto oem ] [ kolekto leads ] [ kolekto dealer ][ kolekto support ] [ kolekto bot ] [ kolekto hackforce ]
# Focus
# Service lines
# Salesforce Expertise
# Industry Expertise
# Certifications (70)
![Certified Administrator](/uploads/certifications/Certified Administrator.png)
22 x Certified Administrator
![Platform Developer 1 Certifications](/uploads/certifications/Platform Developer 1 Certifications.png)
10 x Platform Developer 1 Certifications
![Certified Service Consultant](/uploads/certifications/Certified Service Consultant.png)
10 x Certified Service Consultant
![Community Cloud Consultant](/uploads/certifications/Community Cloud Consultant.png)
8 x Community Cloud Consultant
![App Builder](/uploads/certifications/App Builder.png)
6 x App Builder
![Certified Sales Consultant](/uploads/certifications/Certified Sales Consultant.png)
6 x Certified Sales Consultant
![Marketing Cloud Email Specialist](/uploads/certifications/Marketing Cloud Email Specialist.png)
4 x Marketing Cloud Email Specialist
![Marketing Cloud Consultant](/uploads/certifications/Marketing Cloud Consultant.png)
1 x Marketing Cloud Consultant
![Certified Application Architect](/uploads/certifications/Certified Application Architect.png)
1 x Certified Application Architect
![Sharing and Visibility Designer](/uploads/certifications/Sharing and Visibility Designer.png)
1 x Sharing and Visibility Designer
![Data Architecture and Management Specialist](/uploads/certifications/Data Architecture and Management Specialist.png)
1 x Data Architecture and Management Specialist
# Portfolio
Key clients:
# Geographic Focus
Languages: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
International: Brazil, Chile
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Foco e Excelência em Projetos na plataforma Salesforce
Projetos sob medida com garantia e qualidade.Fazemos Assessment, Integração de sistemas, Outsourcing, Suporte e TreinamentoReferência nos mercados de Saúde, Financeiro e Educacional, e com CASES de SUCESSO em clientes de vários portes e segmentos.
Certified Professionals: 17
AppExhange Reviews: 1
AppExhange Rating: 5
International: Brazil
Ideas, Process, People & Technology for better business performance!
Boutique consulting firm that focuses on improving commercial business results through CRM solutions and the alignment of the organization, its processes and teams for success.
Transforme o seu negócio por meio da tecnologia
A Multiedro é uma empresa focada em serviços de Cloud Computing. Desde 2010 ajudamos mais de 35000 usuários e 250 empresas de diferentes portes a migrarem para a nuvem e aproveitarem os benefícios voltados à produtividade, eficiência e mobilidade.
Certified Professionals: 2
AppExhange Reviews: 2
AppExhange Rating: 5
International: Brazil
Marketing Orientado à Aceleração de Resultados
Tecnologia, dados, gestão e desenvolvimento de equipes são ingredientes que te auxiliam a entregarem experiências inovadoras - conheça ferramentas que te permite criar experiências de marketing tão únicas quanto cada um de seus clientes!
Certified Professionals: 5
AppExhange Reviews: 0
AppExhange Rating: 0
International: Brazil
We don't just create business value. We create progress.
We prepare our clients for their brightest future by unlocking the power of their Salesforce platform investment. IBM brings the strategy, design, integration, applications and software expertise to create intelligent experiences and drive innovation.
Certified Professionals: 1934
AppExhange Reviews: 59
AppExhange Rating: 4.8
International: 44 Countries