Reasons to Use Videos in Your Salesforce Training


Have you used an online video editor to prepare your Salesforce training content? If not, you should, because trainees prefer engaging videos. This article will talk about reasons to include videos in Salesforce training. We also share a few tips to improve your video content.

Why do companies rely on videos as the best format for Salesforce training

A well-versed business with Salesforce has better chances of success, especially if the teams are adequately trained. Salesforce training can help your business achieve great heights through increased productivity. So, you have decided to provide comprehensive Salesforce training to your employees. But how to ensure the maximum output from it?

As a Salesforce training provider, you are responsible for preparing up-to-date, comprehensive, and engaging content. To craft your training strategy and content, you must remember that everyone learns differently. Thus, adding audio, videos, and good examples ensures long-term retention.

Reasons to include videos in your Salesforce training

Today, many companies have adopted video learning as the most effective way of Salesforce training. A survey of 2000 companies showed that 74% of trainers use videos for training. Learning through videos is the most effective, and the best way to make a training video is using an online video editor. Trainees are more likely to engage with videos of less than three minutes. Here are the top reasons to include videos in Salesforce training.

Videos make it easier to explain concepts

Whether the topic is targeted at school learners or vocational trainees, videos convey the message better.

Investing in good video editing software is a good decision for professional trainers. Or you could use an editing tool if you need video editing on the go for explanatory videos.

At the beginning of the training, your trainees may not understand the value of Salesforce. Understanding the big picture, concepts, or overall workflows takes time. An explanatory video is an excellent solution for this, where you can convince your end users of the value and benefits of using Salesforce.

Salesforce trainees aren’t aware of what to expect from the CRM platform. To show them its importance, you need to demonstrate how to use it. Create a PPT or notes and record the presentation using Screenr, Camtasia, or Screenflow. Let them follow on their own using the recording. There is no forcing it while ensuring the concepts are clear. Trainees can use recordings of workflow in action anytime they feel stuck with Salesforce.

Videos make trainees feel comfortable.

When introducing Salesforce training to newbies, you might have noticed their confused expressions. It is because trainees find Salesforce challenging to process in the beginning. Salesforce training is overwhelming for many; it is only befitting to target the intended audience with a comprehensive medium.

Do not overwhelm them with all the information at once—start with the basics for intro videos. Use beginner-level headlines to make them feel comfortable, such as: “The easiest way to get started with Salesforce,” “Step-by-Step Salesforce tutorials for beginners,” or “How Salesforce can make your job easier day by day.”

Some learn through charts and statistics in the videos, some can wrap their heads around step-by-step graphical representation, and some understand animated examples.

Videos allow trainees to take baby steps. A video that demonstrates workflow better can be followed by a short video where you explain how to do a simple task using Salesforce. We know all details are important, but to ensure maximum retention, step-by-step videos prove effective.

Videos better communicate the new features and updates

Why call for a meeting every time your business rolls out a new feature or update? Your employees’ productivity is the result of time well-invested. So, save time and effort by creating a short video for the new features.

There’s no need to complicate it by showing how to do it—introduce the update with a video. Such videos are self-explanatory, irrespective of the staff’s technical skills. You can give the employees a detailed, in-person explanation for the parts that require personal guidance. But to begin with, you can add your unique footage to the video explaining the highlights.

You can add the key points or upload a few graphics in an online video editor, and format it for the broadcast medium—email, Chatter, a newsletter, cloud software, etc. You are good to go.

Creating engaging videos

The more engaging the video, the better the productivity. Here are a few strategies you can use to make your videos more interesting.

  • Salesforce trainees often find themselves distracted. They may watch a video without sound or ignore visuals and listen to the audio while working on other things. Breaking down the concept into key points makes the tape easy to skim and more effective.
  • Ensure the videos are as short as 3-5 minutes to prevent distraction. Target a single topic at a time.
  • While almost all trainees are well-versed in the language of the presentation, some still prefer subtitles. Take some time to create accurate subtitles using an online video editor suitable for this job.
  • Over time, trainees will naturally forget what they learned. So it is helpful to show them workflow or software in action. Link the software to the training recording to use it as they know. You could add a quiz between the slides or new topics to aid retention.
  • This is the best tip—incorporate video games into your training sessions. Instructor-led training simulation games produce better outputs. Several Salesforce training programs make video-game-based learning accessible to trainees anytime for better understanding.


Companies rely on videos as the best format for Salesforce training. Today, many companies have adopted video learning as the most effective way of Salesforce training. A survey of 2000 companies showed that 74% of trainers use videos for training. Whether the topic is targeted at school learners or vocational trainees, videos convey the message better. Trainees can use recordings of workflow in action anytime they feel stuck with Salesforce. Several Salesforce training programs make video game-based learning accessible to trainees anytime for better understanding.