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Salesforce Certifications
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JPW Consulting
Your Salesforce Adoption Partner
Highlights Trusted Adoption Partner Premier Change Management Services Industry Leading Training, Instructional Design and eLearning Services
Description JPW is the premier Adoption, Change Management, Training, Instructional Design and eLearning services firm with a proven track record of driving end user adoption of Salesforce and other integrated systems and applications. Poor end user adoption is a highly overlooked reason for unsuccessful implementations. Therefore, your main concern should be, “How can we ensure our users adopt Salesforce?” Let JPW Consulting guide you! The JPW Adoption Playbook is comprised of over 20 years of Best Practices and always contributes to client success. Services include Lightning Transitions, Change Management, Customized Training, Instructional Design, eLearning Development and Custom Functionality Video Demonstrations. We do not believe in “one size fits all”. JPW services focus on the Day-in-the-Life of your end users in order to achieve ultimate adoption. With JPW, successful adoption is achievable! Contact us today!
# Focus
# Salesforce Expertise
# Certifications (6)
3 x Certified Administrator
2 x Certified Sales Consultant
1 x Einstein Analytics and Discovery Consultant
# Portfolio
Key clients:
# Geographic Focus
Languages: English
International: United States
United States: Connecticut, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin
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Salesforce Value Delivered
CloudMasonry is a full-service and the leading provider of Salesforce consulting services for organizations both large and small across the US. The consulting company leverages its experience with cloud-based systems to help companies discover more significant value in their Salesforce investments. With their extensive experience across major industries, they have combined deep enterprise consulting experience with their collaborative approach to project delivery.
Client feedback from AppexChange:
“CloudMasonry was extremely easy to work with and very knowledgeable. They worked within our budget restrictions and offered as much follow-up support as we needed. I would highly recommend them.”