Certified Professionals
2 -
Salesforce Certifications
6 -
Appexchange Reviews
0 -
Appexchange Rating
0/5 -
2001 -
nagesh@apoorva.com -
(844) 500-DATA - Visit Website Instant Quote
Salesforce Deployments starting at $3,900
Technology Strategies: Using our SevenSmarts™ Framework, and the software that automates the data collection, we quickly build Technology Strategies that are easy to understand and immediately actionable.
Data & Analytics: With so many internal and external sources of data that exist in your company, we build a unified and integrated data solutions for better analytics and improved data quality.
Cost-Effective Systems: With our own on-shore employees for efficient communication and our own off-shore employees for cost-effective development, we strike a balance for dependable long-term partnership.
Embedded Programs: With many devices generating and consuming data, we program and integrate gadgets such as Smart Watches, RFIDs, and IoT. And move data between devices and cloud databases.
Engineering & Support: Whether it is your own software or the software that we built for you, we support it for you. We even act as Product Engineering to build new features for the next version.
Additional third-party integrations: TaskRay, Conga, foundationConnect, and TargetX.
# Focus
# Salesforce Expertise
# Certifications (6)
3 x Certified Administrator
1 x Certified Sales Consultant
1 x Certified Service Consultant
1 x Certified Advanced Administrator
# Portfolio
Key clients:
# Geographic Focus
Languages: English
International: United States
United States: Colorado
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Salesforce Value Delivered
CloudMasonry is a full-service and the leading provider of Salesforce consulting services for organizations both large and small across the US. The consulting company leverages its experience with cloud-based systems to help companies discover more significant value in their Salesforce investments. With their extensive experience across major industries, they have combined deep enterprise consulting experience with their collaborative approach to project delivery.
Client feedback from AppexChange:
“CloudMasonry was extremely easy to work with and very knowledgeable. They worked within our budget restrictions and offered as much follow-up support as we needed. I would highly recommend them.”